Professional Mentoring.
Professional support tailored to your needs
Working in Clinical Animal Behaviour can be stressful & complicated.
As most of us work independently, bouncing ideas around and having in depth discussions about cases is something often missing from our working days.
Tom Rowland (MSc, CCAB, Phd Candidate for Animal Behaviour & Welfare), is an experienced Clinical Animal Behaviourist, both in private sector, and shelter environments. Tom can help support you with reviewing written reports, discussing cases retrospectively, or in assisting with preparing for the case, report reviewing and subsequent follow up period.
Please note that this is a mentoring service and not direct supervision. As such, you understand that you maintain sole ownership and responsibility for any case you raise or discuss with Companion Minds at any of the service levels stated, and Companion Minds accepts no responsibility regarding case management. Our T&Cs can be downloaded here
Level 1: Report Feedback
Here we will review and feedback on written reports you have written for clients and vets (anonymised).
We’ll help review writing style, communication clarity, professional or ethical considerations, all your great points, and any areas where the report is missing aspects or could be improved upon.
Level 2: Remote Discussions
This service allows you to discuss any current or previous cases with Tom for 1.5 hours at a time.
They can also be used to discuss any behavioural topic you might want to, for example, if you have little experience of separation cases and just want to have a general discussion about them, then this is also the service for you
Level 3a: Specific Case Mentoring
This service allows specific discussion of current cases.
Meeting pre- consultation to discuss key factors of the case such as client attitudes, differential diagnoses, risk assessment & treatment options.
Meeting post- consultation to review history taken, diagnosis made, risks, prognosis, treatment plan, monitoring plans, and review plan on veterinary liaison.
Third meeting available for use through client follow up within 3 months to review progress of client and case management.
Level 3b: Specific Case Mentoring + Report Review
All of the above, plus written feedback/review of your written report and vet letter prior to your sending to client.
*Level 3 services require all referral/behaviour history paperwork provided to Companion Minds completely anonymised prior to the first meeting.